Astrometry tools#

Package: pygaia.astrometry

This package provides functions for transforming between astrometric and (Cartesian) phase space data, the transformations between different coordinate systems, and the epoch propagation of astrometric data. Vector astrometry tools are also included.


Detailed API: pygaia.astrometry.constants

This module contains a number of useful constants for handling astrometric data.


Detailed API: pygaia.astrometry.coordinates

This module provides sky coordinate transformations, epoch propagation, and a function to calculate the angular distance between points on the sky.

  • Coordinate transformations between ICRS, Ecliptic, and Galactic coordinates (either sky or phase space coordinates). Note that this can be achieved also with the astropy coordinates package.

  • Transformations of uncertainties and covariance matrices from one coordinate system to another are also provided.

  • Epoch propagation from a reference to a future or past epoch, accounting for proper motion and radial velocity. This includes the propagation of the covariance matrix of the astrometric and radial velocity observables. The Astropy apply_space_motion function of the SkyCoord class provides the same functionality but does not include the covariance matrix propagation.

An example coordinate transformation (from Galactic to Ecliptic):

import numpy as np
from pygaia.astrometry.coordinates import CoordinateTransformation, Transformations
ct = CoordinateTransformation(Transformations.GAL2ECL)

l = np.deg2rad(30.0)
b = np.deg2rad(-70.0)
pml = 5.0
pmb = -3.0

lam, beta = ct.transform_sky_coordinates(l, b)
pmlam, pmbeta = ct.transform_proper_motions(l, b, pml, pmb)

The sky coordinate transformations can be visualized with the functions in the module.

Vector astrometry#

Detailed API: pygaia.astrometry.vectorastrometry

This module provides various vector astrometry functions. These are derived from the material presented in in chapter 4 of the book Astrometry for Astrophysics: Methods, Models, and Applications (2012, van Altena et al.). The functionalities provided are:

  • Transformations between spherical and Cartesian coordinates.

  • Calculation of the normal triad from the input sky coordinates.

  • Transformations from phase space variables (\(x, y, z, v_x, v_y, v_z\)) to astrometry and radial velocity (\(\alpha, \delta, \varpi, \mu_{\alpha*}, \mu_\delta, v_\mathrm{rad}\))

  • Elementary rotation matrices. This is not needed with SciPy’s rotation module available, but I was too lazy to change the code.